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Welcome to the qualification assessment for the School of Brain Magic Mastery!

This assessment is designed to provide insight into your goals and aspirations, ensuring that our program aligns with your personal and professional development needs. The assessment will only take about 10 minutes to complete and will also offer valuable information about our school's vision and approach.

During the assessment, you'll answer questions that reflect your current knowledge, objectives, and readiness for the transformative journey we offer. This process helps us ensure a harmonious fit between your aspirations and the resources available at the School of Brain Magic Mastery.

Our goal is to cultivate a learning environment where passionate individuals can thrive and grow. Your responses will guide us in creating an experience tailored to your needs, ultimately providing you with the most valuable learning journey possible.

Ready to become a masterful practitioner that facilitates transformational experiences for your clients? If so, click "START" to begin your assessment.